Finding Synergies between the transformative power of Yoga and Smart Factories

 Finding Synergies between the transformative power of Yoga and Smart Factories

Yoga and Smart Factory are two of my most dear subjects. As the “International Yoga Day 2023” was approaching, it got me thinking on how these two subjects of my passion are influencing each other. And to my surprise, I discovered quite a few uniting factors. The principles of learning from Yoga have influenced my Smart Factory initiatives. At the same time, all the practical failures and set-backs from the Smart Factory initiatives have driven and shaped my journey in yoga.

Explore the connections with me…

Yoga and Smart Factory may seem worlds apart. But as I pondered upon, there are quite a few unexpected parallels between these seemingly distinct domains. Let’s explore and delve into the shared principles and benefits of these two realms and uncover how they can complement and enhance each other.

Soul or sensors – make connections to discover harmony 

Yoga emphasizes the harmonious connection between mind, body, and spirit. The practice of yoga is all about connecting with ‘you’ on various levels to discover the real ‘you’. From my experience, I find a similar theme that runs underneath when building a Smart Factory.

Making factories Smart is all about connecting and unifying various elements, often at different levels, for a higher purpose or goal.

Just as yoga brings together different aspects of our being, smart factories bring together machines, sensors, data, and humans, creating a synchronized and streamlined ‘being’ in the factory environment.

Awareness is the key to transformation

As a Yoga practitioner for many years I have focussed on cultivating mindfulness and self-awareness. It’s a work of practice and patience as you observe and gather data on how you think, react, respond, act, and emote to be better aware of your being. For smart factories, I found this translates into harnessing the power of data and analytics. By collecting and analyzing real-time data, we are building nothing else but an awareness to gain valuable insights into processes, enabling better decision-making and continuous improvement.

In my journey of building a ‘Smart Factory’ I was often amazed by the kind of transformation that a seemingly simple piece of data could bring about in the entire team.

Awareness is the key to transformation…Yoga or Smart Factory!

Improving the ‘self’ and the ‘systems’ is the name of the game

Yoga by definition is improving your self every day. Daily practice, contemplation and balance in action are the levers to improve the self. Smart Factories, I realised, are no different. Factories become smart by being aware and making an effort to improve in every possible area, every day. Trust me it all adds up beautifully in the long-term.

Also, daily practice is the only way to risk-proof improvements, whether in the self or within a Smart Factory.

You cannot ignore the Human Element

Integration of advanced technologies does not mean the smart factories can ignore the significance of the human element.

Yoga empowers individuals to take charge of their own well-being, and smart factories must empower employees to embrace new roles and skills for well-being of the factory functions.

Like I always say, building a Smart Factory is about change in the mindset of the people and not just its toolset. Empowerment of the human element is the first step.

Both, the practice of Yoga and Smart Factories, celebrate the pursuit of balance, connectivity, self-awareness, and sustainability.

My attempt through this thinking has been to bring to light the transformative power of yoga and the smart factory initiatives. As the land of Yoga, India has the chance to show to the world how the principles and practice of Yoga can help to create a manufacturing environment where harmony, mindfulness and people empowerment coexist. For the future of manufacturing, there is a lot we can draw from Yoga. In case, you are still pushing your resolution to start doing Yoga to tomorrow, I strongly advise to start today. Who knows? Yoga may turn to be your source for the next big ‘transformative’ idea!